Me and My ROMEO
Sunday, March 30, 2008
went sam leong's HAN SEI to attend a wedding lunch.( ya a LUNCH instead of dinner.)
the food was amazing thus DELICIOUS!
The food is a dish for each person instead of a big bowl in the middle.
All together there are 8 dishes.
i ate the first dish and im full. lmao.
but dad pay the money liao so must eat all.
although its a small portion but eat all the 8 dishes is like super full.
cab-ed back home.
there is two posts so read on:)
here to update my SIT camp:)
didnt took much pictures.
DAY 1:
met up with My and went for our camp.
walked into Agora hall, did our registration and went to put our barang barang.
headed to LT for brefing and from there, we were seperated into team 1 -14.
blah blah blah, one by one was called.
Lastly and luckily, My and me were together in team 14.
First game was bingo game. We need to find 20 person with the items needed.
eg: find people with "tattoo body."
One Guy claimed that he has tattoo and guess what,
he showed his tattoo on the left arm:" TATTOO"(written in marker)
i was like L-O-L!
after that Lunch and then our next game.
next game was to run about the school, complete the task and get out keywords.
one of the games was like this:
smash the watermelon from the highest point and hit it onto the ground.
Next, EAT it without using ur hands.(which means you have to eat the flesh on the floor like
a dog.) We are also required to eat the watermelon until its clean.
So each of us took turns to eat it. All our faces were taste of watermelon.
Then, we have to match back the broken watermelon pieces.
Times up! We managed to solve the answer before we did the task.
but unfortunately, we must complete the task.
Too bad we didnt win but at least we had fun:)
Dinner and then bathing time.
After dinner, went back to LT to watch movie:" DORM."
not scary actually, but some of the girls scream!
half way through, one team by another were call out.
finally, team 14 turn.
We were brought to the sports complex to walk the HAUNTED ROOM.(made by the Events.)
They told us very serious stuffs as to scare us.
Then, i was group with 3 other girls of my team.
so 4 of us went in.
It was dark in the room.
I was scared at first but after so many people in the haunted room
hold my leg as to scare me, i laughed while two of the girls infront of me scream.
The whole thing was funny more than scary.
blah blah blah. back to our sleeping place.
lights out at onli 12am plus.
couldnt sleep as people were talking and chatting.
Day 2:
woke up by My at 5.45am plus.
went to bath and get ready for bf.
after bf, gather at agora hall and off we went to SENTOSA
My slippers spoilt while waiting to board the bus.
no choice walked around vivo with one of my legs without slipper.
game started at vivo.
completed our first clue and off to our second clue.
2nd clue was:"Kayaking rental"
chiong to sentosa. As we wasnt sure which beach has the rental,
we asked the guy in the information counter.
Thanks to him, we went to palawan beach instead the rental is at siloso beach.
reached palawan beach, bought slippers cause the sands is damn hot.
walked from palawan to siloso, said thanks the guy with sacastic smile. lmao.
blah blahblah blah, (too long to write)
played this game which we need to form tower in the water.(like cheer leading)
thanks to AK, he actually carried me with me sitting on his shoulder.(i was like _kg, super
heavy.) other girls were also carried by guys.
Finally, 10 people managed to squeeze inside the hula hoop by forming tower.
had lunch and continue our game.(we onli completed 5 clues.)
As the race ends at 5pm and we went given tickets to play the luge and the skyride,
we give up the game and went to play the luge.
ITS FUN! similar to go-cart.
one of my team members, GOLD(ya, this spelling) went off the tracks and hits the grass.
overtake him and went down.
Took Skyride up and back to imbiah.
End our game and headed back to vivo.
After that, took bus back to sch.
its was raining and traffic jams on the way back to school.
it took almost 1 hr to be back in school.
took my stuff and went to bath.
after bathing, my hands, legs and face were sunburnt.
dress into my sec sch uniform and had SCH UNIFORM PARTY.
Party starts:
had catwalk by the SL and committees.
followed by students.
then CLUBBING in the hall!
its like a real disco club as we have DJs and MCs.
they were high!
saw alot of ppl dancing and they dance very well.
i was shocked as my first time seeing hy dancing shuffle.
And alot of people surrounded him in a circle and clapped for him.
Mi, jus dance to the left and right with my hands clapping along with the beat.lmao.
did sweat alot too.
ends everything and our team went to practise our cheer.
changed and lights out at 12am plus.
totally fall asleep as its really a tiring day.
DAY 3:
had bf and went to play water games.
played waterbomb.
then headed to swimming complex to play tug-of-war.
unable to play!!! so stayed under the tent to watch onli!!
see them had alot of fun.
washed up into our final clothes.
had lunch and went back to our sleeping area for cheer competition.
one by one had their cheer done.
After that, we played blow wind blow.(a game that needs to run about)
melvin(event's head) shouted:"blow those who have bananas(kkb)."
and i ran. some of the people including MY laughed at me. lols.
blahblahblah, ended the game.
Next, Presentation of prizes.
everyone of the team got a title and presents(ice cream).
our team got :" most cheeky award"
finally, de-brief and home sweet home.
carried my barang barang until i die. super heavy can.
shall end here.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
IM BACK FROM cyher camp.
SIT camp was fun.
super beat thus sunburnt on the face, arms, legs and etc.(very jia let)
overall, i love it:)
shall thanks team 14 and the SL.
it is the best team ever.
thanks CHEEKY CHA!
shall blog abt it tomorrow or probably midnight then blog.
gonna have plenty sleep now as im realli fucking tired now.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

wc with Cyn and Kl was fun!
today worked 1/2 morning again.
then went out with My and Ly to LITTLE INDIA.
dropped at Little india and cab to mustafa.
and its onli $3(increased by 20 cents.) lmao.
went mustafa for bangles.
first time there, was amazed by the variety of things sold there.
after that went bugis.
we bought quite a number of stuffs, like bag and cardigan etc.
gonna go bugis again next mon, cause i didnt bring enough cash
today. So going shop till i dropped again. lols.
tmd, kanna scolded by an old man for being"no manners".
we were just talking among ourself loudly, also got wrong.
mrt is not a library. still need to speak softly meh.
work and work and work!
Monday, March 24, 2008

my mum straight away Laugh Out Loud and call me "SIAO!"
lmao, maybe im too addicted to the drama.
yesterday, went church with My and her sis.
whole event/programme was very fun.
touched by the drama and i definitely learn alot of things.
went jp and bought bolster at only $20. haha
today, worked from 10am-2.30pm.
went home and back to jp for
dinner with cyn and kl.
shop around with kl before going home.
whoosh! im going for SIT orientation camp:)
so happy, but when i looked at the things to bring:
1 set of school uniform.( compulsory.)
quite shocked actually.
luckily i haven throw it away.
but i wonder why need to bring.
boring posts ya!
*unforgiveness causes pain alive."
Thursday, March 20, 2008

chiong-ing this two days.
nt studying but watching medical dragon.
tat hunk above in the drama is superb shuai!
he never fails any operations.
this drama is a MUST to watch.
i cried, laughed and get anxious along the show.
The song you heard now is one of their show's song, its superb touching and nice.
must thanks hf for introducing this drama,
and nouxian for watching it tat night!
im totally addicted to it.
(p.s: will have some scene that you nvr seen it before.)
Be prepared too:)
chalet with a bunch of close friends was such a fun.
ii love you people!
will posts/sent chalet's pictures asap!
Monday, March 17, 2008
reached sh home, the food that her mama cook is SUPER DELICIOUS!
had two rounds and got super full.
played wii (tennis) then went for work.
LOLS, late for 17 mins.
blah blah blah, finally home sweet home.
stay tune ppl.
more exciting photos will be up for posts.
zhai jian,sayonara, goodbye, tata, ciaos,!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
oh sheit. unable to post pictures. duh~
anyway! HELLOO PEOPLE!!!!
how's all of ya doing?
me, mostly working, working and working.
but will hang out with the usual clique.
went back jvs to collect my cert.
on the way to office, i was thinking why no people,
probably they are having lessons.
but after thinking, its actually MARCH SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!
anyway, the cute auntie selling our favourite mee sotong, mee siam is gone!
sian nvr saw her liao, i miss her food!
after that, had lunch and went rp for M's enrolment.
at station 5, an auntie tap my shoulder and asked
"after that go where?"
i was like:"huh?"
her son:"wrong person nah."
auntie:"OH! sorry sorry!"
cute auntie. HAHAha.
after everything, went to hall 2 to see laptops.
blah, blah, blah, M bought the lap
and process to the room
which i have to wait outside at the waiting area.
so M and me walked our journey back to mrt.
had a little snacks and home sweet home.
wosh wosh wosh~
NO MORE CRACKING OF MY HEAD to think of my bro's
laptop password!!
ciaos! tata!
Sunday, March 09, 2008

the theatre is like super duper big!?
but seatings was bad as the HEAD of the people infront of
me is super duper big too.
well, the movie NOT BAD.
still got some parts that is funny.
graphics and all was nice.
and the pussy cat above, onli show itself TWICE!
and its like 1 min per scene.
tot it gonna fight or something.
blah blah.
went to imm and visit friends.
shan and me went for lunch while ricky joined
us for lunch. so chat chat chat.
shan bought donuts for them.
but none for scb. lols.
this trip back, alot of familiar faces is gone.
hais. miss them.
after the visit, went bugis for 10,000BC.
then went shopping!
bought clothes which are extremely cheap.
met an incident on the train. which made me wanna LAUGH OUT LOUD
yet feeling bad abt it as i, myself ,felt this incident before.
the door was about to CLOSE.
this lady went dashing towards the door with two
other guys behind her.
so they ran to board the train before they miss it.
SO ONE OF THE LEGs(the lady.) step into the gap between the train and the platform,
and she went falling but she grab hold onto the other lady infront of her.
like domino effects, the falling lady falls onto another lady, and
the other lady falls onto me.
the falling lady stand up, and found that her shoe dropped into the gap
which she cant retrieved it anyone.
the door of the train closed.
everyone looked at her from head to toe.
liked everyone, i looked at her from head to toe.
then this lady laughed and tell another lady.
"her shoes dropped down onto the track.(laugh)"(in chinese.)
long story, i know.
moral of the story: DON kay kiang go chase after the train
before the door is about to close. ITS DANGEROUS!
shall end here.
stay tune.
goood bye!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Watched L, changes the world!!
thrilling and sad, as L RIP.
gonna work tml.
work work work~~

had a photoshoot at C's hse. (nt me but M did the shot.)
its super fun! as we get to experience things.
4.30pm, chiong to jp.
flipped the file to sign in for work and guess what,
i don have to work 0.0
stunned down there, super ma lu.
good good good XD
so go home.
home, dye my hair back to brown.
bth my hair as its golden on the head. ahahaha
so faster dye it black.
alight, tata.
Monday, March 03, 2008

cause the songs in the my shop kept on playing their songs,
and im addicted to it.
as well as MY NEPHEWs(they are twins but don look alike.)!
my head gonna burst without a com cause both my bros
don wanna let me play theirs. LOCK UNTIL SO HAPPY!ROAR!
still have to see their face somemore.
and cyn told me to paste stickers on their face.
quite funny actually if you get the joke.
anyone jio-ing me out to shop?!?!
i wanna shop till i drop.
and my mum kept on chasing and telling and nagging me
to buy clothes before poly day starts.(of course using my own $$, ahahaha.)
last but not least i wanna dedicate this song to all of you out there:)
so click > and enjoy.