wc with Cyn and Kl was fun!
today worked 1/2 morning again.
then went out with My and Ly to LITTLE INDIA.
dropped at Little india and cab to mustafa.
and its onli $3(increased by 20 cents.) lmao.
went mustafa for bangles.
first time there, was amazed by the variety of things sold there.
after that went bugis.
we bought quite a number of stuffs, like bag and cardigan etc.
gonna go bugis again next mon, cause i didnt bring enough cash
today. So going shop till i dropped again. lols.
tmd, kanna scolded by an old man for being"no manners".
we were just talking among ourself loudly, also got wrong.
mrt is not a library. still need to speak softly meh.
work and work and work!
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