Spot Me!

hope to go back to school one day.
especially to play my dear instrument.
these few days have been busying,
Busying at home rotting. ha!
its a total sian-zation for me.
worst still, lazy to go out and
finished the junk food at home :X
jia let! how to cut down my 8kg of massive fats!
Next, work was enjoyable. At least work helps
to kill time and prevents me to rot at home!:)
But ana and sharina has left work:(
soon, mama iris would be leavingT.T
adri and eric is clearing their leave!
hais, i do know what to do with my hair.
it has been bugging me for a nong nong time.
dyed?rebond?snap it real short?
Wo bu zi dao! aku don kno!
I really DON'T KNOW.
shall end this post with pic to enlighten the mood! hahaha.

when both my love meets.
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