my funniest semester 1 W14H classmates...

The CS team whom i always play with.(still playing even
during firedrill exercise!haha)

The laptop boy!

Spot me!(taken during our firedrill exercise!bet we gonna get kill if we still take pictures during firedrill exercise in school. LOLS!)

Okay, how hardworking are them!
Drag my legs to school today.
SADDED! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WHICH MARKS OUR SEM 1 and i have to bid farewell
to my class W14H. How sad can it be! imagine how bonded we are within this few months but nevertheless,we will still keep in touch yo!
gonna miss playing CS with the CS team!
gonna miss the breakfast session with RANGERS!
gonna miss each and every single one of them in W14H!
Farhad on a song which sounded like those ending song of the movies
while rangers were saying goodbye to our classmates. SADDED LA!!!
Anyway, work. i have no comment.
Firstly, boss don know why her anger can just burst within seconds.
and the BANNED word is "I DONT KNOW"
once anyone said that when being asked, sure kanna scolded.
Ytd customer took a belt, she got anger cause she done all the
displayed and all that yet that customer just took it.
So she asked me in a very fierce voice:"WHO TOOK THE BELT?"
lucikly i saw the customer who bought the belt so i told her
its a customer who took it. IF NOT! im gonna kanna by her scolded!
Things hasnt been going well in shop.
ALRIGHTs, i should sleep!
Bybye! more photos coming up.
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