while working, saw ks and wx:)
its really a LONG TIME NO SEE FRIENDs:)
Met 2 weird guys today, after work.
1st guy.
went to throw rubbish at level 1 near the carpark.
when i step out of the lift, a guy said:" going home ar?"
me:*give the do-i-know-you-look*"ya?"
guy 1: "tml working?"
me:" huh?"
guy 1:" *repeat"
me:"tml i nt working.* continue to give that i don-kno-you-look*" and walked away.
After throwing the rubbish, i walked the direction back.
guy 1:" BYEBYE!"
me:" erm, byebye *giving a fake smile"
So i walked to the interchange wondering who is he.lmao
Went to buy drink at the pasa palam stall.
While waiting, i looked at another guy with sleepy eyes, and he
said:" wanna sleep ah?"
me: *nods my head
guy 2:" oh, faster go home and sleep, faster go home and sleep!"
me:"orh, okay."
guy 2:"ya faster go home and sleep and miss me hor!"
me:" ?okay, byebye?"
Went to buy fishball of the same stalls.
He again rush to serve me.
guy 2:"AH, eat liao faster go home sleep, BYEBYE!"
me:"erm, okay, byebye"
his friend laughed at him.
walked to 187, feeling weird.
i dream of something weird too.
dreamt abt me operating my own stomach,
and wan my mum to sew it back.
crazy dream indeed, or i watched too much drama. LMAO.
wat a strange day.
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