which is DAY3(LAST DAY!)

continous of ytd posts.
for day 2 night, we went shopping.
bought alot of diver's t-shirt. COOL YO!
luckily got sannie cause she is able to lower the price for us in Malay.
bought alcohol(they bought) while i had a sip of it and i got headache
and went back to rest.(i so lousy i know, ha!)
on the way back, saw a boat from far was on fire.
and i also saw fireworks! but a small one. Just *PIU~~~~~~ PO* no more.
change to elle's room to sleep.
woke up at 7+. and had to prepared for dive z.z

diving place. this is how we turtle back.
now we are more firm in diving so we had our last graduation dive.
Do big jump into the sea and slowly and turtle back to our DM.

when we dive down and saw the fish struggling to swim to
a direction, we know we got swept away by the current!!!
We inflate our BC, and lucily there is a pontoon for us to grab!
however, only 4 of us(including me) was grabbing.
elle and others were unable to grab hold in time.
So my DM went to save them.
I was holding on the the rope of the pontoon and thinking of ****...
seriously, tot all of us gonna be in danger.
Cause the current is too strong and i cannot breathe, i put on my mask and
my regulator, face down the water and inhale while holding onto the rope.
saw alot of sea urchins...
waited and waited, LUCKILY got one speedboat which was not related to us,
save us! THANK YOU! its was a big cruise named Asian Lady with a small speed boat.
They saved us.
and my face was all pale.
As we cannot leave without diving, we change position.
we did backflip from the boat.(and was only our team did that)
this time round, we saw more corals and more fish!

but i didnt bring bread. if not i can feed the fish and they would all surround me:)
seriously, you can see fishes swimming along with you but
when you wanna touch them, they swim away.

our graduation photos.
we end our diving trip.
BUT this is not the last dive and there is a NEW DIVE!
didnt had my lunch and ate only ramily burger(the only source of
food i can find there)
On the way back, went to the back of the boat for sun-tanning.
Seriously, DAMN SHOIK! the sun is power!
reached Mersing then Johore. Traffic/Human jams.
around 8pm then we reached RP.
Washed our gears and then HOME SWEET HOME.
and after the trip, i swear i ate alot.
its really non-stop hit. SCARY.
last but not least, ending photos.

CREDITS(to rp's diver.)

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